Monday, November 01, 2004

FHE and Voting

Tommorrow is FHE(Family Home Evening). This is the second year that I am FHE group leader. This means that I have to develop creative ideas each and every week. Last week we carved pumpkins with another group. It was fun. Definitely fun. Planning FHE is just so difficult though. You have to make sure that everyone is happy. I'm not good at planning my own activities, so planning for 18 people is just that much more difficult. But it's all good. A learning experience if you will. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Two different bishops have called me to the same calling. It's the only calling I've had in a student ward and I bet I'll have it until I learn how to do it well.
Tuesday is election day. If you don't know who to vote for: don't vote. I really oppose voting in ignorance. It is irresponsible to vote on anything but issues. If you don't feel that one candidate will perform better than another; don't vote. If you are voting solely because of party loyalty: don't vote. Basically, unless you have a good idea what's going on in Washington, you don't have any business voting. It might seem harsh, but really, if you haven't studied for a test, you might as well not take the test because all you're going to do is fail miserably(from personal experience). You would be better served by taking the time you would be taking to vote and studying up on one position and writing a letter to your congressman or senator expressing your opinion. When people say that you are exercising your power by voting, it's a half-truth. You exercise your power more by making yourself heard. Voting for a candidate who sort of shares your positions isn't as powerful as making the politicians know that you mean business and that you want a good steward leading the country.


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