Running, Elections and Truth
I went running today. I went running yesterday too. Unfortunately, I had not gone out for a run in a while, and it has definitely been a very long time from the last time I worked out two days in a row. Hopefully tomorrow will be day number three.
I woke up this morning and immediately turned on the television to make sure that nothing bad had happened yet. We did well. A few false alarms in Pennsylvania, but as far as I can tell, it went smoothly. I voted for the first time ever. It was an interesting experience. There were a couple things that I was not aware of, such as voting for justices to continue being justices.
I am just realizing that so much of what i have been focusing on for the last two months; namely the positions and character traits of John Kerry and George Bush, is completely irrelevant. I do not know what I am going to do for fun now. Seriously, I am on the verge of tears. Not neccesarily because of the results( although the results are not to my liking)- but because all of these things that I know that are now forever useless. And the sad part is that these things were important and I felt it my civic duty to know them. So it is not as if I was memorizing video game statistics or something equally unimportant. And yet, these things are now on that level. too big a topic to tackle at 12.51 in the morning when I have a paper due tomorrow and an arabic midterm on friday. I promise that I will do it in my next post (not sure who I am promising this to, as I only know of two people who have read this and that is because I told them to).
Here's your very first comment...excited, aren't you. I read your blog, so don't try to say no one does (I'm also one of the few who checked your profile regularly to discover the interesting things posted there every few days). I don't have any comments on your blog because we already talked for hours today about your post-election feelings...just wanted to let you know I'm reading your blog and listening to you any other time you impart a little gem from your immense knowledge about all things relating to the election. I enjoyed everything you had to say and learned a lot from it, even if you think your time and energy were wasted. That's all.
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