Truth and Evil Political Parties
I am no longer a fan of cable news networks. All of them. I am predisposed to dislike Fox News as I despise Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, but I really couldn't stand Dan Rather and Wolf Blitzer on election night. It infuriated me that they refused to admit that Kerry had lost. And the way that Wolf Blitzer jumped on the soldiers' refusal to go on a convoy as a possible political message really bothered me as well. I just wish that we didn't have to see the world through these red and blue glasses. By the way, apparently the red and blue is new from 2000. I remember watching the 2000 election coverage and thinking that the colors were all wrong. I thought that Democrats convey more of a red feeling than Republicans. Back to the topic at hand. We deserve better news coverage. We need news services which focus on truth. I shouldn't have to have so much patience just to sift through the spin and lies which are so rampant in politics. I shouldn't have to be so cynical. Reporting the news should not be motivated by partisanship but by a sincere desire to inform the public. Jon Stewart made some very good points as a guest on crossfire[Transcript]. I know you're thinking...'he's talking about truth and Jon Stewart in the same sentence?'. But seriously. Jon Stewart had the chusma to go on CNN and tell them what they should be doing. And I agree with him entirely. This election was based on things other than the truth and the news networks are largely responsible.
Partisan politics will be the end of us. Politicians have told us for two years that their opponent is basically the human incarnation of infinite evil. And now i'm supposed to support one of them as a Senator and the other as President because the ex-candidates are calling for healing. How is that possible? How am I supposed to forget all of the bad things said about each of them? I have been on the verge of tears today because I can't get into the post-election mindset. I can't understand that it is over and I can't get a grasp on what I should do now.
We need and deserve socially responsible candidates who are willing to determine what is honestly in the best interest of the country and not candidates who are willing to do whatever they can to discredit their opponents and remain in power. Our entire concept of campaigning is dangerous. We call ourselves a democracy, but I don't see how 51%-49% constitutes a democracy. That means that 49% of the people in this country felt strongly enough against George Bush that they voted against him.
Once again, I'm thinking too deeply for this time of night.
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