Here's what I have to say about Chacos being awesome. I resisted for a long time. But I finally relented when I found some black ones at the Patagonia outlet for 70$. I just discovered a couple minutes ago that they are adjustable. I totally thought that all you could do was loosen or tighten the buckle. But apparently it only has one strap and you can loosen and tighten the different parts of it; way cool. The sad part is that I'm pretty sure somebody already told me about it and I had forgotten.

I went to Wild Oats in Park City on Friday and bought two boxes of chai. Then, my diet on Saturday consisted of one of those boxes of chai. I did the same thing on Valentine's day. And both days, I got the same result: A way messed up stomach. It was making noises all day long. I think I need to convert to the powdered version. Unfortunately, I had a really bad experience with it the first time I tried it. So even though I have this conversation about once a week and I had some powdered stuff sent to me, it is really hard for me to accept that powdered chai might be good. Anyways, I am thoroughly convinced that Chai is awesome. It is always good to find someone that is as obsessed with it as I am because that doesn't happen much.
Yeah. So I'm running a triathlon? I guess. Basically, I need something to look forward to so that I will keep running. I could just keep getting myself into depressing situations(my current running kick is evidence of girls' ability to make me exercise- not because I want to look attractive or anything- just because I get so mad I need to run it off). But that's not much fun at all and reminds me too much of freshman year. So anyways. The St. George triathlon is in mid May. So now I'm training for it. Rock on.
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