Sunday, April 17, 2005


I'm learning to play the guitar I decided. So far I've learned two chords. Ok. I've been taught like four but I can only remember two. And then I'm going to write songs because that is awesome. Ok- actually I started writing songs but realized that if I don't know how to play an instrument I won't get very far. And I just got back from a hike up Rock Canyon (about three hours ago). And we saw a mountain goat. Or three or four. And like five deer. I tried taking a picture of the one mountain goat but my phone doesn't take great pictures when I'm worried about getting head butted. Actually- I was worried about the mountain goat's health. I mean- recieving a head butt from me is like getting hit with a very large chunk of metal. Bread Cereal. I mean- it hurts like a crazy monkey bite. So the whole worrying about injuring the goat affected my ability to take a good picture. Yeah.

Last night I met slash hung out with this random girl that works at Muse Music. We hit it off but for some reason I didn't even ask for her number slash try seeing her again even though she was both cute and grool. I meant to say cool but then started to say great(actually grool is from Mean Girls). The reason I didn't ask for the number? I don't really know. It's hard to explain even to myself. I would reccomend watching What Dreams May Come if you really want to know.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger smithfieldman said...

Do you think Video store chick will get jealous of Muse Music Chick? I hope those two worlds never collide or that would be a celbrity death match I wouldn't want to miss out on.


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