It's two thirty in the morning and I've spent the last hour editing pictures. Red eyes and reflective signs are the bane of my existence. As is ISO speed and in general taking pictures at night. I wish I knew how to take pictures well enough to be able to make them turn out on my own instead of just relying on the camera to take good pictures and then throwing them into photoshop when they don't. Not sure if that made any sense but oh well. It is two thirty in the morning and I'm listening to Hub Wife. Don't know who they are? Neither did I until a week or so ago. Local Provo stuff. Or maybe it's really from Las Vegas. I don't know. They did a show at Muse last week. I didn't go but I got the CD slash I had already listened to the singer perform Love Is Not For Me. Awesome song and you should all try getting a hold of the recording even though seeing it live is much better. Speaking of the difference between live and recorded music. Some bands' recorded stuff is better and other bands I feel like you really miss something if you don't see them live. Interesting how that plays out.
Here's two pictures of last night's activities. Have fun. If you want to see more, the rest are on my flickr type hit. Over on the right it says more pics of me or some type hit along those lines. Click there and supposedly it should take you to flickr. If it doesn't- holler and scream at me and I'll try fixing it.

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