I've had a pensive day. It was a long day as I worked like ten hours or so. I started working at 4.30 this morning. That was after I went to sleep last night at 3.00. Then I came home and slept for a couple hours and Theoretically I was going to clean my room cause it quickly deteriorated after my Sunday night camping trip. But that didn't happen although right now I'm going to clean it. It should take all of a few minutes. Ok- now it's clean again and I feel better. When my room is dirty it really affects the way I feel.
Today I decided that I really like magazines. Well mostly I only like certain magazines. I really like doctor's offices that have cool magazines. It makes me happy. Unfortunately most magazines in doctors' offices are totally uninteresting and usually extremely outdated. My eye doctor's office being the notable exception to that rule. There was always an issue of Ski magazine there. It made me happy. True story. Another thing that makes me happy is that on Saturday when I surprised someone with a visit they said 'most definitely' to someone else. Why did this make me happy? That's for me to know and make a cliched statement using the words 'and you to find out'.

Here's a pic of my camping trip. It's not a very good pic but I was really excited about it until I got it onto my computer and realized that it was kind of a crappy shot. I went to the same spot I went last time. Only this time I guess I must have gone faster or something or not eaten as much because I was seriously exhausted when I got back. It was a good experience though. I was truly alone with my thoughts for a while. Not that I got much quality thinking done. I guess I figured out my fall plans though so that's a start. As far as other serious matters? I'm still lost. There's the way I want things to be and there's the way things are. And I can see what needs to change for things to be the way I want them to be but I don't know what to do to change them. And maybe that change isn't ever going to happen and it is hurting to realize that.

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