Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Top Five Saddest Movies in the History of Ever

United States of Leland - Thoroughly good but lots of heartbreak and thoroughly sad deaths
Mystic River- Just a sad situation for people to be in. Had to watch another movie afterwards just to stop feeling bad.
Hotel Rwanda- Apparently people didn't know about Rwanda before this movie? Idk. But the situation in Darfour is a good indication that we haven't learned. We tried watching a comedy after watching this but weren't in the mood.
The Butterfly Effect- The director's cut is the sad version. Thoroughly sad in the 'People Sacrificing Themselves For The People They Love' department.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Jenna said...

Where is the 5th movie?

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Mr. Marbles said...

Yeah...I did that on purpose. I couldn't come up with a fifth one and so I figured I's just put it up as the top five and see if anyone noticed. Any suggestions for the fifth one?

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Jenna said...

"I am Sam"?
I am usually pretty affected by any movie though so maybe I am not the best judge of sad movies.

I brought home Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan from my house up in Washington and I cry every time I make my way through them. No matter what. We watched Lion King this weekend and guess what, cried through that too.


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