Weekly top ten list
Top ten things about New Jersey:
- Jughandles. On main roads, you never have to make left hand turns.
- Holmdel Park- The awesomest cross country course in the history of ever.
- MAC machines- Apparently the rest of the world says ATM? What's that all about?
- Full Service Gas Stations- Yeah- it's a law. you can't pump your own gasoline. This causes problems when you finally have to drive somewhere else and don't know how to pump gas.
- The Jersey Turnpike- I just like the sound of its name.
- Kevin Smith and Zach Braff- Awesome directors who make movies about New Jersey. On a side note, Danny DeVito always sneaks Jersey into his movies although not as blatantly as the aforementioned directors
- Matzah Ball Soup- You don't know what it is? Then you haven't been to a diner in Jersey.
- Pete and Elda's Bar and Grill- Ok, so I've never actually been. But the T Shirts are awesome.
- WaWa- Yeah. That's just a convenience store. But how freaking cool is it to say, 'Let's go to WaWa?'
- Cornerstone Cafe- Yes. Cornerstone and the rest of downtown Freehold including Rita's and gelottis(spelling?). It's just a cool downtown area and reminds me of Bruce Springsteen.
So, unbeknownest to me while I lived there, but New Jersey is pretty freaking awesome. sweet, huh? Mostly I miss it. I think I'm going to make a trip there this summer. Unfortunately, I am experiencing Garden State syndrome. I miss an imaginary place. The New Jersey I knew four years ago isn't the Jersey I'll go back to this summer. And the Jersey I once knew isn't going to come back.
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