So yesterday i got my friend to loan me her bass. So now I'm going to learn to play bass? I guess. And then supposedly my roommates and I are going to start a 'band'. And then we are going to make 'music'. We'll see. I was at Mad Dog Cycles(sounds like a biker gang but it's really a bicycle as in pedaling shop) and I ran into Elaine from
Another Statistic. I went to a show that they were playing at last Saturday and the guy who played after them was really thoroughly awful. Painful even. Anyways, we got to talking about that and then that led to talk about the local music scene and about how there are lots and lots of bands in Provo. And about how most of them aren't very good at all. And then I got to thinking. And the other day I was talking to Red(the owner of Vermillion Skies) about
Details of Speech and how their keyboardist is going to Tennessee and she was like- 'So are they going to find another keyboardist? In Provo you can find whatever you want real easy.' It made me feel kind of sad that being musical is so ordinary here. I'm not musical- so it's not like it makes me feel ordinary. It just makes me reluctant to be awesome and learn how to play an instrument. Anyways.
I was just telling a story and I was like 'Have you seen that one movie- wait, it's not a movie'. I somehow managed to place a conversation that I had a couple months ago into the movies category. That's sad to me.
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