Friday, April 29, 2005

Musick again

So yesterday i got my friend to loan me her bass. So now I'm going to learn to play bass? I guess. And then supposedly my roommates and I are going to start a 'band'. And then we are going to make 'music'. We'll see. I was at Mad Dog Cycles(sounds like a biker gang but it's really a bicycle as in pedaling shop) and I ran into Elaine from Another Statistic. I went to a show that they were playing at last Saturday and the guy who played after them was really thoroughly awful. Painful even. Anyways, we got to talking about that and then that led to talk about the local music scene and about how there are lots and lots of bands in Provo. And about how most of them aren't very good at all. And then I got to thinking. And the other day I was talking to Red(the owner of Vermillion Skies) about Details of Speech and how their keyboardist is going to Tennessee and she was like- 'So are they going to find another keyboardist? In Provo you can find whatever you want real easy.' It made me feel kind of sad that being musical is so ordinary here. I'm not musical- so it's not like it makes me feel ordinary. It just makes me reluctant to be awesome and learn how to play an instrument. Anyways.

I was just telling a story and I was like 'Have you seen that one movie- wait, it's not a movie'. I somehow managed to place a conversation that I had a couple months ago into the movies category. That's sad to me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Late in the Morning

All American Rejects is coming out with a new album! Isn't that awesome news? Their first album feels like fall. As in the season. Remember how I categorize albums by seasons? Well All American Rejects falls into the fall category slash the airport category. I don't know- it reminds me of being in an airport(probably because I listened to it in the airport...)
Last night I saw Fever Pitch. It was pretty dang good. Then I started to read Pinochio. It was like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in that ,like Harry Potter, Pinochio is a brat. Seriously. The animated movie just doesn't show that. Slash Harry Potter is only a brat cause things weren't going his way. Pinochio is just a brat period. He is officially on my bad list. And it takes a lot, ok not really, to get onto my bad list. Well- if you're a fictional character then it does take a lot.
I just read over what I've written so far. I realized that I wrote 'falls into the fall category'. Ha.
I bought a TV yesterday. Pretty exciting cause it was way cheaps and big and practically new.

Sights and Sounds
"I'm Concussed!"
I'm in a Dashboard mood I guess. Although yesterday I was rocking out to Intocable while I scrubbed the kitchen floor. Woot.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Randomness- Troph!

Top ten reasons this morning wasn't great:

  1. I had to get up and come to work at eight.

  2. My boss is leaving in a couple weeks- the third boss in about as many months.

  3. No computer is willing to behave.

  4. I'm scanning a huge book( one foot by two foot) filled with newspapers and no page numbers.(Ok- it does have page numbers but it's from the eighteenth century so the pages are really thin and really big)

Actually- things aren't as bad as they first appeared. At least I'm not stuck upstairs with no internet and no music sitting in a room with an old lady who's quite oblivious to the outside world. That would be quite tragic. As it is I'm just reading the lyrics to Weezer songs. And reading the ads in the Deseret News from 1886(the book I'm scanning- I'm not wierd enough to randomly decide to do that). Pretty crazy ads. A lot of freemason ads but my favorite so far is 'Dr. Henley's celery beef and iron'. Or how about 'Tutt's Pills: 25 years in use. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! Symptoms of a Torpid liver...'. Man, Torpid is a quality sounding word. It would only be more quality if they replaced the d with an f. Troph.
  1. Deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed.

  2. Dormant; hibernating.

  3. Lethargic; apathetic.

So I get off work in about an hour. How excellent is that. Then I have to decide what to do with myself for the rest of the day. So many options.

I miss you
And I wonder how you feel about me too
Do you miss the way we would play
And waste our time away?
Suddenly, we're apart
And I can't see you everynight
I love you so much
Now I can't feel your touch
And I'm lost without your love
Oh love

Sights and Sounds
My roommate spilled all of my remaining linguine on the floor so I had to make a linguine run at 1.30 last night. We should all be thankful that Smith's is open 24 hours a day for emergencies like that. Hands Down is the most amazing song in the history of awesomeness

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Gioco del Ponte

So- Mybe I'll go to the Gioco del Ponte when I hit up Italy. It's this big mock battle where they all dress up in traditional dress and then have some parades. Then they fight over that bridge in the picture. It looks to be pretty cool but who knows if it'll be going on when I'm in Italy. Cause according to one website it is the first sunday of June which works cause I'll be there then but another one said it was the 26th of June. So yeah. Basically- Europe is awesome and even though I've never been there- I still say that. So yeah. If anyone knows of anything awesome to do in Europe- Holler at me. I want to know.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Yay for the word yay!

Some songs are summer songs and some songs slash albums are for winter. Here's a rough list of winter and summer albums that I thought of right now:
Acoustacism, KalaiGood News for People Who Love Bad News, Modest Mouse
Under the Pink, Tori AmosLittle Earthquakes, Tori Amos
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, Sarah MclachlanSingles, The Smiths
Good Mourning, Alkaline TrioFrom Here to Infirmary, Alkaline Trio
When I listen to these CDs I have very distinct memories of summers and winters gone by and when I listen to them it smells like summer or winter to me. They remind me of the seasons by a lot. I have always wondered if it's the music itself or just memories that I have surrounding that music. Does anyone else think thusly about these CDs or am I just wierd? Slash does anyone have a summer and winter CD collection at all? Double slash have you even heard those CDs?
Sights and Sound
Barbaric Yawp!(said in Strong Bad voice when he's narrating Teen Girl Squad)Mejores Exitos, Caifanes


It's two thirty in the morning and I've spent the last hour editing pictures. Red eyes and reflective signs are the bane of my existence. As is ISO speed and in general taking pictures at night. I wish I knew how to take pictures well enough to be able to make them turn out on my own instead of just relying on the camera to take good pictures and then throwing them into photoshop when they don't. Not sure if that made any sense but oh well. It is two thirty in the morning and I'm listening to Hub Wife. Don't know who they are? Neither did I until a week or so ago. Local Provo stuff. Or maybe it's really from Las Vegas. I don't know. They did a show at Muse last week. I didn't go but I got the CD slash I had already listened to the singer perform Love Is Not For Me. Awesome song and you should all try getting a hold of the recording even though seeing it live is much better. Speaking of the difference between live and recorded music. Some bands' recorded stuff is better and other bands I feel like you really miss something if you don't see them live. Interesting how that plays out.
Here's two pictures of last night's activities. Have fun. If you want to see more, the rest are on my flickr type hit. Over on the right it says more pics of me or some type hit along those lines. Click there and supposedly it should take you to flickr. If it doesn't- holler and scream at me and I'll try fixing it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


You Are 50% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

I'm more normal then I thought! Only... is it a good thing to be normal or what? Oh crap- now I'm confused. Slash everyone is putting up these 'blogthings'. So does that make me normal for putting this up here or what?
How Normal Are You?

Sunday, April 17, 2005


I'm learning to play the guitar I decided. So far I've learned two chords. Ok. I've been taught like four but I can only remember two. And then I'm going to write songs because that is awesome. Ok- actually I started writing songs but realized that if I don't know how to play an instrument I won't get very far. And I just got back from a hike up Rock Canyon (about three hours ago). And we saw a mountain goat. Or three or four. And like five deer. I tried taking a picture of the one mountain goat but my phone doesn't take great pictures when I'm worried about getting head butted. Actually- I was worried about the mountain goat's health. I mean- recieving a head butt from me is like getting hit with a very large chunk of metal. Bread Cereal. I mean- it hurts like a crazy monkey bite. So the whole worrying about injuring the goat affected my ability to take a good picture. Yeah.

Last night I met slash hung out with this random girl that works at Muse Music. We hit it off but for some reason I didn't even ask for her number slash try seeing her again even though she was both cute and grool. I meant to say cool but then started to say great(actually grool is from Mean Girls). The reason I didn't ask for the number? I don't really know. It's hard to explain even to myself. I would reccomend watching What Dreams May Come if you really want to know.


Empty Houses in the mountains are:
  1. Good places to slide down the stairs in sleeping bags without getting in trouble.
  2. Interesting places to talk about horror movies while sitting in the hottub.
  3. Good spot to have huge parties
  4. Good places to play ball inside the house without worrying about breaking anything (cause there isn't anything to break- except for chandeliers but they're sturdy)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

dial 9 to check your messages

I just figured out that in order to dial out from my house phone you have to dial nine first. Does that let y'all know how much I use it? I went and saw my friend's band play tonight. She plays the flute and her roommate sings and plays the guitar. They have a way sweet sound. They're called In Transition.

I discovered recently that yay is spelled yay not yeah because yeah is a synonym for yes. I always struggled when I wanted to say yay because I'd write yeah and then think- no, that means yes. Anyways- I have problems writing. The end.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Two bands with names that aren't words and start with the letter 'M' both have albums called Destination ______. Wiewd.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I went to Alta today. And I put sunscreen on I swear. I guess it just sucked or something. Yeah. And then I had some food at the ward closing social. And then I thought of something to put in here other than a picture of myself being violated by the sun.
I had a conversation with my sister today about sharing spoons with them. Because I was like- if you've kissed someone then you shouldn't be squeamish about sharing spoons. Because it's not like there's anything on the spoon that hasn't already been in your mouth, right? Anyways, my sister is against all forms of sppon sharing. So then I was at a party tonight. Here's a rough version of a dialogue had by me:
Kate- Do you want the rest of my smoothie?
Me- Yes, definitely (thinking- should I use a different spoon?)
Seth- Is that a smoothie? Let me have some. (takes some smoothie)
Me- (I start walking towards the sink to wash the spoon cause now two people have used it)
Seth- What? Do you think I have cooties? I'm as healthy as a horse.
Me- Ok.(I used the spoon to eat the smoothie)

Anyways. I thought it was pretty crazy. Or somzine. Well, here's the obligatory comment about classes being over. And about how today feels like saturday and even more so because yesterday felt like friday. So tomorrow wants to be a Sunday but really it's Friday and that's awesome because that means that I still have Friday and Saturday to play around... I mean study. And about how much I'm going to miss Monday lunches. Maybe we could just keep on doing lunch on Mondays despite the lack of sociology class. Make a tradition out of it or type hits of that sort.

And here's the part where I say I'm sorry and I say that you confuse me and I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Funyuns are ______

Is it wrong of me to automatically associate Funyuns with getting high? I've never gotten high- I've only eaten funyuns. And eating funyuns really has very little to do with getting high. Or it might- having never gotten high I don't know if it's some sort of a rite of passage after you've toked up. Mostly I just think that Jim Brewer is pretty funny when he says 'and some funyuns, yeah'. Anyways. That was probably a wicked wierd post but I ate some funyuns and I was reminded of Half Baked so I thought I'd let y'all in on that little tidbit of information slash it's not information it's a vagary.


Ann Coulter is _______

In short, Ann Coulter has once again revealed herself as one of the most destructive forces in American politics, repeatedly making outrageously irrational arguments and demonstrably false claims. Treason is the culmination of a dismaying trend toward factually misleading and inflammatory books from pundits such as Michael Moore, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage (Salon Premium subscription or viewing of ad required for Savage column). These authors may delight partisans and make their publishers rich, but their work impoverishes our political discourse.

Why do conservatives get on Micheal Moore's back? At least I know he's taking creative liberties with the truth and choose to disregard him. Conservatives refuse to accept that conservative pundits are irrational and out of touch with reality. Those pundits make up facts to support their claim that conservative politicians are God incarnate. I wouldn't have such a problem with it except that conservatives take it as God's honest truth. It's really a sad state of affairs.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Travel Options

People keep confusing me. I can get the Eurail pass for my trip to Europe or I can use these budget airlines. I'm convinced that the Eurail pass is cheaper but everyone keeps telling me that it is cheaper and better to fly. I don't believe it. Anyways- I still don't know what my plans are for this summer (other than the trip to Germany). Waiting for my parents' 'boss' to tell them if he wants to hire me or some lady from out there. Kind of annoying that they waited until now to decide. I mean- after I made all sorts of plans and spent money getting trained. Arrgh. But- I would not be unhappy if I had to stay out here. That was my original decision anyways and it would be nice to be able to chill with people who won't be here next fall. But- as it is, I have to write like at least 8 or 9 pages tonight. 4 pages for Poli Sci, about half a page for sociology, something like 3 pages for D&C. And I should really do some studying for Arabic. So I predict that I won't sleep tonight, especially since I took a four hour nap this afternoon.

"We're still having babies in Utah, and I don't see any likelihood that they will come to a halt"- random quote from a random document from the seventies.

Sights and Sounds
It's sandal weather! Yay! In Between Dreams, Jack Johnson

Monday, April 11, 2005


Stand Your Ground Law

The new bill goes further by allowing citizens to use deadly force in a public place if they have a reasonable belief they are in danger of death or great bodily harm. It applies to all means of force that may result in death, although the legislative debate focused on guns.

Culture of Life my bum. Seriously. I mean- let's defend the life of one woman in a coma but make it easier for people to justify killing on the streets. Can someone explain this to me? Because I'm straight up at a loss.

More Partisan Crap from the Right

The Drudge Report (a popular website run by right-wing activist Matt Drudge) has posted an image of an offensive t-shirt, along with a headline “Liberals Sell ‘DeLay Suicide T-shirt.’” It’s clearly a vicious, organized effort to demonize Tom DeLay.
In other words, Drudge made a concerted attempt to find absolutely anything to take the heat off Tom DeLay’s various corruption charges, and the very best he could come up with was a stupid t-shirt from “Ye Olde Christopher Goodwin Art Shoppe.” Lame.
Think Progress : Drudge Invents Story for DeLay

Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad

Photos - Collective Bellaciao

Apparently the 'left wing mass-media conspiracy' failed to mention this huge anti-american protest. That's odd.
Actually- I'm a bit hesitant to believe it. It just seems fishy and the pic of the bush/blair cutouts didn't look that authentic. Further- I couldn't find the pics on Reuters and supposedly they came from there. Anybody know anything more about this?

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I went to Borders today to buy Barbarians Inside the Gates but wound up buying Skipping Towards Gomorrah because they were out of the book I 'wanted'. This was for a class and they were assigned based on a self assessed political position. So I got ready to read a Neo-Con Propaganda piece. I started reading and got about two pages in and my blood wasn't boiling. This caused me to start wondering what was up with the book. Then the author made reference to Slouching Towards Gomorrah and I realized that I had bought the wrong book and that it was a liberal response to the aforementioned book. Tragically this means that I am without a book and I have to write a paper for Monday's class. I'm not all that happy about that.
Sights and Sounds
I was doing my backboard certification today- and then they had to backboard two people for real! And then the paramedics were there! Crazy, huh?August and Everything After
Counting Crows

Friday, April 08, 2005

Blog Gate

"When the central charge is a cover-up, as it was in the CBS story, vigilance is required. Thus, the connections between Bush's old associates should have seen print. Together the men formed a feedback loop, referring reporters to one another and promoting a version of events in which Bush's service is unquestionable, even exemplary. With such big names and old grudges in play, journalists are obliged to keep digging."
-CJR January/February 2005: Blog-Gate

Right vs. Left

"See, the right isn't like us. They think that the so called liberal media is irretrievably biased but believe what they see, read and hear on their own media. We on the left, on the other hand, have no faith in any mainstream media, really, or any alternative media either for that matter. We have developed the habit of culling from various sources and analyzing the information ourselves as best we can. Even then we are very skeptical. Nothing that the media could do would particularly shock or disappoint us. No so with the other side. A fair number of them are actually hurt and bewildered by what they saw in the Schiavo matter." -Hullabaloo

So, both sides are equally guilty of being irresponsible about news gathering. But I have seen more evidence of it from the right than I have from the left. Further- the party system as now constituted fosters a loyalty to people and party rather than a commitment to values. The media establishment(both left and right wing) merely serves to propagate this flawed approach to democratic government.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Wi-Fi in State Parks

Wi-Fi at San Elijo State Beach

Not sure what I think about this development. I mean- I really like WiFi but I think that if I am at a park- I kind of want to distance myself from my everyday diversions and enjoy the place I'm in. And if I have the internet I am always way too tempted to just sit doing things online instead of enjoying the perchance only opportunity that I have to be in that one place. But maybe I'm just silly.
Sights and Sounds

Took a nap in the sculpture garden this afternoon.Quite Possibly the Best CD in the History of the World

Oh the places you will go

I went to Pita Pit tonight cause John wanted to pick up on the girl that works there. But then she kissed some guy while we were there. So that plan apparently wasn't a very good one. Then we went to Hollywood Video. It's sad that I go there enough that the girl who works there knows me by name and I'm pretty sure she memorized my phone number because she used to ask for it(to get my account info or something) and now she doesn't ask for it. And now it's one in the morning and we just finished watching Maria Full of Grace (the best part was the Julieta Venegas song that played during the credits). That's sad that my favorite part of the movie was the song at the end. I guess I liked the cinematography. I guess the point is that I was dissapointed with the movie.

Sights and Sounds
Yeah- Maybe I'll get a job at the Orem Rec CenterThe preorder comes with a free t-shirt. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

People - Inside Move: Fanatics laying it on the line

Apparently standing in line is more important than getting to the end of it? Personally- I've always hated standing in line. But hey- I'm not from California.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Top Five Stupid Movie Animals in No Particular Order

  1. The Ferret from Along Came Polly

  2. The Raccoon from Harold and Kumar

  3. The Dog from Road Trip

Ok. So there's only three. But making lists is way harder than you would ever think. It's like grating cheese with a four-sided grater. It's just takes way much effort.
Sights and Sounds From Jersey
They get lost in Jersey in the same place I got lost. Whistles go Woo!Yeah. That's right. Garden State

Monday, April 04, 2005


Bought my plane tickets today. Flying into Munich on May 23rd. I'm pretty stoked. But now I really want a travel pack. I just hate lugging around dufflebags. It's thoroughly frustrating. It isn't frustrating when you're going on a car trip- It's actually way nice cause you can just throw everything in it. It's just that I feel so helpless with big bags and no car. I also wonder about taking my computer with me. I'd take it to download pictures from my camera but at the same time it's kind of heavy and there's the whole- what if it gets lost/stolen. Hmm... Decisions, decisions.
The bane of my existenceMakes me want to go to The Two Cats Inn

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Ponytail Parades

Number Five of the All Time Five Saddest Movies in the History of Ever
I saw this movie in seventh grade. It was sad in the Shakespearean tragedy sort of a way.

Speaking of sad movies, I went to Provo Town Centre tonight. Saw Million Dollar Baby. I got really bothered with Clint Eastwood about half way through the movie. I was just like- why are you putting me through this? I felt the same way about Mystic River. I mean- they are well made movies- it's just that they are so sad. I can't get over it. Granted- Million Dollar Baby doesn't make it onto my list, but it's right up there. I just felt bad for all the characters. They were all going through some seriously maldita crap.
Sights and Sounds
I always think that the lamas are going to bite me. They have this 'I'm better than you' look and it freaks me out. doesn't feel right
holding someone else's hand...

Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's Day sucks

Today's April Fool's Day. But- when you only realize that at one in the morning- it's a wee bit difficult to be excited about that. Because there's only a slight chance that I'll be pranked and I don't get the enjoyment of successfully pranking anyone. So oh well. And I don't get to go see Fall Out Boy tonight. Not too pleased about that. I mean- granted I didn't have anyone to go with, but still. It would have been cool. As it is- I have to sit in a room with a bunch of teenagers learning things that I already know. And I still smell like chlorine. All this for a piece of paper. Oh well. Anyways. I was supposed to go to Sundance today- but my roommate didn't get to sleep until like 5 in the morning so he decided to stay home and sleep and then my other friend made some vague comment about having something to do and that if she won she'd tell me about it. So I opted for staying home and going to class. Probably a good decision? We'll see. I kind of want to go out tonight after I get home from Lifegaurd training...but I'm just not in the mood. We'll see what happens.
Sights and Sounds
I haven't done anything interesting lately so here's another pic from last month's trip to Triassic.
When are they coming out with a new album? Further- this album reminds me of airports.


because I need, you
more than you need me
because I want, you
more, I know
because we moved, too freaking fast
I think I really had to
wish to make this last, I know
i'm sorry, please forgive me
believe me, if you would
because I cared, way more
because I really felt that
you felt so much more, I know
i'm sorry, please forgive me
believe me, if you would
i'm sorry, please forgive me
believe me, if you could
i'm sorry, please forgive me
believe me, if you would
i'm sorry, please forgive me
believe me, if you could
believe me, if you could